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mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Introduction to Simple Strategies in FOREX

There is an ongoing war between Technical and Fundamental traders, and this war has been there before you were even born and will be there long after you are dust of the earth. Purely Technical traders will tell you that Fundamentals do not actually matter if you know how price moves, and they have a very strong point, that no matter how much of Fundamentals you know if you do not understand how price reacts and moves to either internal or external Forces, you will lose your money. This is why you see economic analysts on all major networks are not traders! On the other hand, purely Fundamental traders will tell you that Technicals do not matter. And they have a very strong point, that for price to move in the first place it  must be provoked by some form of Fundamental anomaly in the first place! This heated argument escalated after the 2008 housing market crisis that triggered the global economic crises. You see, technical traders rely on the math of trading, and they had warned of gross mathematical inconsistencies with the sub-prime mortgage machine the US government had created through its banks. This caused the infamous bubble in the housing sector that technical analysts had warned about since the 9/11 terror attacks. On the other hand you had Fundamental economic analysts who brushed of these warnings as conspiracy theories and no one could blame them. You see, the fundamentalists relied on economic data releases that where coming from the same banks that later caused the crisis. And so in the face of lowest interest rates in history, a surge in investor confidence and excellent trade relations with all economies, fundamentalists had no choice but to brush off any claims of imbalances in the math or dynamics of the flow of money. Unfortunately 2008 was a dark year for the whole world as the economies plunged into severe crises just because of inconsistencies in the math of trading and investing! Until that year, technical where often ignored and constituted only 10% of the trader’s analysis, but after that, a new wave of technical traders was born, and that was the year this war begun. Because for the first time, it was proven, that it is very possible for one to be wrong and the other right. I however have a simple yet powerful way of looking at these things as. If you take out any coin from your pocket right now, you will notice that there are two sides (‘heads and tails’). In most coins these two sides are completely different and will say or display completely different words or images, but yet it is the same coin! The same is true for Forex trading, the truth really is that all Technical and Fundamental foresight are just a way of looking at the same coin from different sides. For me this was an exciting discovery! This meant that if I looked at the market from a certain angle and it didn’t make sense, I could just stop and look at it from the opposite angle and everything would make sense. But there is an important factor right here; this dual nature of the markets makes it possible for one to view the markets through Technical eyes and still make money and the next trader to look at the markets from Fundamental eyes and also make profit. The only disadvantage is that they are both limited, profitable but slightly limited. Why am I telling you all these things? I want to now begin to teach you some simple strategies. But the strategies will fall into two separate categories, strategies that invoke only technical ideologies and strategies that invoke fundamental ideologies. After that, I will sweeten the deal with showing you extremely profitable strategies that invoke the powers of both worlds. Let not the Technicals be furious when I teach the about fundamentals and let not the Fundamentalists be angry when I teach the Techies. Trading is very strange and mirrors real life if you look closely.

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