
Welcome / Bienvenue


vendredi 29 décembre 2017

Your PDP is Your Personal Development Plans.

What is Your *PDP* for 2018?

Your *PDP* is Your *Personal Development Plans*.

Your *PDP* must be a *Detailed, Well-Structured, Articulated and Written Plan* that will demand your *loyalty and commitment*.

Your *PDP Guide* must include the following:

1. *Building Spiritual Capacity* (Moving from Just *Relationship* to Quality *Fellowship* with Your *God*)

2. *Inspirational And Motivational Books* to *Read* in 2018 (weekly, monthly or quarterly)

3. *Professional And Career Development* Seminars, Conferences or Workshops to attend. (either *Paid or Free*)

4. *Mentors and Coaches* you must *connect* with in 2018, that will *add great value* to your life and work.

5. *Relevant/Additional Skills* to *Develop* or *Sharpen* to enhance your ability to *SERVE* people and *EARN* more.

6. *Events, Places, Cities And Nations* To *Visit* for personal *relaxation, recreation and education*.

7. *Networks or Associations* to join, that will serve as *leverages* for *opportunities* and *connections* (online or offline)

8. What *Products or/and Services* will you be creating in 2018 to multiply *IMPACT* and increase *INCOME*.

9. *Negative Relationships or Friendships* to cut off (that *drains personal energy*)

10. *Wise and Intelligent Investments* to *undertake* in 2018.

11. *Negative Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours* to *confront* and *conquer*.

12. *Positive Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours* to *cultivate* in 2018.

Let Your *Plans* Begin Now!!!

Bananas, money and monkey

Jack Ma, the richest man in China said:

If you put Bananas and Money
in front of Monkeys, monkeys will choose Bananas because monkeys
do not know that money can buy a lot of Bananas.
IN REALITY, if you offer JOB and BUSINESS to people, they would choose JOB because most people do not know that BUSINESS can bring more MONEY than wages.

Similarly, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best selling book "RICH DAD, POOR DAD" and also a business partner of Donald Trump said:
"One of the reasons poor are poor, is because poor people are NOT TRAINED TO RECOGNIZE ENTREPRENEUR-SHIP OPPORTUNITIES.
They spend too much time in school and what they have learnt in school, is to WORK FOR WAGES instead of MONEY WORKING FOR THEM.
"Profit is better than wages, for wages can make you a living but profits can bring you a fortune."

*........and stop fighting over increments of salaries, it still won't be enough*

mardi 26 décembre 2017

Leçon importante sur le business

*Nos expériences respectives nous ont beaucoup instruits*
*Moi, modestement, j'ai retenu quelques trucs, deux ou trois choses que je vous recommande de prendre en compte rigoureusement
*1. A propos des revenus:*
Ne jamais dépendre d'une seule source de revenus. Investis pour créer une seconde chance.
Si tu achètes des choses dont tu n'as pas besoin, bientôt tu vendras des choses dont tu as besoin.
N'épargne pas ce qui reste quand tu as dépensé, mais dépense ce qui reste quand tu as épargné.
Ne vérifie jamais la profondeur d'une rivière avec les deux pieds.
Ne mets pas tous tes oeufs dans le même panier.
L'honnetété est un cadeau très cher. N'en attends pas de tout le monde.
*7. Le passé* Inspire toi de ton passé, contrôle ton présent, sécurise ton futur.
*8.Quand des mauvaises choses arrivent dans ta vie*, tu as trois choix: tu peux les laisser te définir. Tu peux les laisser te détruire ou tu peux faire en sorte qu'elles te rendent plus fort (e).
*9.Nos yeux sont sur notre front* parce que c'est plus important de regarder  devant que de regarder par derrière.
*10.Nous utilisions des crayons* quand nous étions petits, mais maintenant nous utilisons des stylots. Sais tu pourquoi? Parce que les erreurs de l'enfance peuvent être facilement effacées. *Ce qui n'est plus le cas maintenant.*l

*Repensons à ce que nous avons fait!*
*Revoyons nos objectifs!*
*Planifions nos projets!*

mercredi 6 décembre 2017


(1.) *Your salary will never make you rich. Your boss isn't that foolish.*

(2.) *Your salary is fixed, are your expenses fixed?*.

(3.) *If your company pays you the exact true value of the services you render, they would be running at a loss. As an employee, you are underpaid*.

(4.) *Once you get HIRED, you either get FIRED or RETIRED, you may also resign when you're TIRED*.

(5.) *Salary is the bribe you're given to forget your dreams, family, freedom, self-esteem, academics, social life and other personal goals*.

(6.) *Your kids won't inherit your post in that company you're employed in. Employment is not hereditary*.

(7.) *If your salary is not huge enough to pay your bills, leaving you with sufficient amount to save,prepare for poverty after you stop work*.

(8.) *If you must work,before you eat,if you get paralysed,ill or become aged,hunger will strike you*.

(9.) *Being an employee is a bit similar to being a slave,you take orders,you are regimented,when will you become a master?*.

(10.) *In Forbes list of the richest men in the world,show me one employee*


mardi 5 décembre 2017

Steps to success

4 Steps to Success:

1. It all starts with a DREAM.
As Tony Robbins says, there are no unmotivated people, just people with impotent dreams. If you don’t have a dream/bucket list of at least 100 goals, get busy creating it!

2. The next step is to BELIEVE you can actually do it.
I spent years struggling because I had the crushing weight of self-doubt holding me back. When I finally woke up and realized that my negative beliefs about myself were nothing more than a bunch of bullshit I made up, I was able to step into my own power. You can call it confidence or even a spiritual belief but I believe with everything in me that no one is more capable or deserves more success than I do. Many would call that arrogant but the truth is, I also believe I’m not better than or deserve success more than anyone else.

Whoever is willing to go out and follow the next step is the one who will actually see their dream come to reality.

3. Nothing works without HUSTLE.
Yes, hustling means doing the work… which might be making sales calls, getting rejected, writing and creating content… but many forget that hustle is also LEARNING and constantly making yourself better.

My advice is to make KAIZEN a cornerstone of who you are. KAIZEN is the Japanese art of constant and never-ending improvement. CANI

When you combine massive effort times massive skill, that leads to massive results.

4. Finally, you ACHIEVE.
Believe it or not, this can be the WORST thing for many.


Because it can make you comfortable and ultimately complacent. You see in life you are either growing or dying. You are either on the road going towards greatness or you ARE going towards mediocrity.

Just like a car cannot park in the lanes of a highway, you cannot park yourself in the freeway of life. When you pull over to the shoulder, we call that comfort. If you stay on the shoulder too long, you get pushed over to the ditch of complacency.

Stay out of the ditch, my friend. When you hit one goal, set a bigger one and be as obsessed or more about making that new goal a reality.

Stay Hungry, Stay Humble and Make Life an Adventure!

dimanche 3 décembre 2017

Money Is A Game Learn The Rules

"What keeps me going in life is that I have nothing to loose. I came with nothing on this planet." Anton Ngwenya

This I dedicated it to people who so afraid of taking financial risks in life as if the day they die they will depart with the money.

You came with nothing except your brains and you will die alone, all the materials you have and money will remain behind, so if you have never taken any financial risk in your life then now it is about time coz you wake up every day in order to make it yet you always complain about money.

mercredi 22 novembre 2017


*Advice from Robert Kiyosaki*

I see a future where due to investments and businesses been online, we would not be handling over keys, Properties, money, shares , bank accounts etc to our loved ones as inheritance. But USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS!!
That would unlock 🔐Unimaginable Wonders!!
Are you ready for that future??
The online business world is Huge and Crazy that it is changing our world so fast, that it is almost taking over everything!! How ready are we for this future that would (according to Robert Kyosaki “ The next Financial APOCALYPSE “)
Take over the world 🌎 like a tsunami

lundi 13 novembre 2017

Differences between bitcoin and bitcoin cash

On 1st August 2017 a hardfork took place on the bitcoin network and bitcoin was essentially split into 2 independent chains - bitcoin core (BTC) and bitcoin cash (BCH).
Each of these chains now has its own development team(s), market value and future scaling roadmap.

1) Bitcoin Core is positioned as a highly secure and decentralized store of value. Its main uses are trading, investment/speculation and its scaling roadmap concentrates on layer 2 solutions (such as Lightning Network)
2) Bitcoin Cash on the other hand aims to scale on-chain (e.g. via blocksize limit increases) providing lower transaction fees, which in turn means better support for e-commerce and micro-transactions.

vendredi 10 novembre 2017

Pourquoi organisons-nous les funérailles?

Culture Bamiléké:

1. La célébration des funérailles est l'occasion de déclarer éternels nos morts. Ces personnes décédées deviennent "Fusié" c'est-à-dire des personnes retournées à la terre d'où elles étaient venues. Comme le dit la Bible, "tu es né poussière et tu retourneras poussière".

2. Contrairement à ce que certains pensent, les Fusié ont la fonction d'intersection auprès de Dieu exactement comme le font les Saints dans le catholicisme. Pendant les rites sur les crânes de nos proches, nous leur demandons d'intercéder pour nous. A ce niveau, moi, catholique fonctionnant dans une logique d'inculturation, me trouve plus cohérent avec ma spiritualité dans la mesure où je demande l'intersection à une personne qui me connaissait et qui m'était proche que de demander à un quelconque Saint que je n'ai jamais connu.

3. La catéchèse nous dit que les morts sont au purgatoire en attente du jugement dernier. Je trouve incohérent que l'Institution de Rome nous déclare des personnes "Saints" alors qu'elles ne sont pas jugées. Le Pape François lui-même dit qu'il n'a pas les compétences de jugement. Qui demande donc aux Papes de juger de la sainteté des gens sur la base des témoignages humains alors que Dieu, le seul compétent, peut les déclarer coupables aprè? Je ne suis donc pas d'accord avec cette décision de Rome et je ne l'applique pas. Je reste convaincu que mon père ou ma grand-mère intercéderait mieux pour moi auprès de Dieu que Mère Theresa ou tout autre Saint. Je parle directement et librement à mon père ou à ma grand-mère pour lui expliquer qu'il ou elle ne peut pas laisser éprouver le peu de rejeton qu'il ou elle a laissé sur terre et je pense que cela fait plus sens que de parler à un Saint qui recevrait au même moment des milliards de demande. Dans la coutume, ce dialogue se fait en versant de l'eau, en déposant le jujube ou l'arbre de paix ou encore en faisant un sacrifice mais, on n'est pas obligé. Le plus important, c'est de se décharger.

4. Si les morts sont au purgatoire dans l'attente du jugement qui les conduirait au paradis ou en enfer, de quoi se nourrissent-ils? La Bible ne répond pas à cette question. Nous, les Bamiléké, pensons qu'ils ont faim là où ils sont. La Bible nous dit que ce n'est qu'au paradis qu'on a la vie éternelle et qu'on ne sent plus la faim et la soif mais, elle ne nous dit pas ce qu'on fait en attendant d'entrer au paradis. Les Bamiléké pensent que les "morts ne sont pas morts" (elles sont au purgatoire). Où est le purgatoire? D'autres peuples africains pensent que les morts sont dans le vent qui souffle, l'eau qui coule, l'arbre qui grandit, etc. Nous pensons que les morts reviennent vivre dans un lieu de la concession que l'on déclare sacré (forêt sacrée). Certains signes naturels nous conduisent à ne plus déboiser ou débroussailler un lieu de la grande concession. En fait, la traduction française "forêt sacrée" ne correspond pas à l'expression dans nos huit langues. On parle normalement "d'espace de Dieu [Su'sié]", lieu où habiterait les Fusié. Nous sommes dans l'ordre de la croyance et aucune science exacte ne nous permet à nos jours de déterminer la vérité.

5. Ce que je peux affirmer avec force du point de vue ethnolinguistique, c'est que Dieu, le seul en qui nous croyons tous, ne s'est pas manifesté uniquement chez les Juifs et/ou les Arabes. Dieu s'est manifesté à tous les peuples. Les Juifs ont eu l'avantage de l'écriture qui leur a permis d'écrire leur histoire (Ce n'est qu'au 16ème siècle que les Livres de la Bible ont été choisis parmi les œuvres de la littérature juive par des théologiens. Les désaccords sur les Livres dits "inspirés [de Dieu]" ont d'ailleurs expliqué les différences de Bible entre les églises chrétiennes. Cela veut dire qu'un projet de rédaction de la Bible n'a jamais existé et que les auteurs n'était pas forcément du même espace géographique et de la même époque. Il y a près de 16 siècles d'écart entre le premier et le dernier Livre écrit de la Bible. C'était une longue parenthèse.) Il faut rentrer dans la littérature orale pour retrouver les manifestations de Dieu. Et C'est ce que je fais.

6. Une étude ethnolinguistique des attributs de Dieu (omniprésence, omnipotence, omniscience) dans les huit langues Bamiléké montre que nos parents les attribuaient déjà à Dieu avant l'arrivée des colons. Ce ne sont pas les colons qui ont inventé nos langues; au contraire, ils les ont interdites. "Sié" signifie qu'il est là, présent. C'est l'omniprésence. "Sheupeu" signifie qu'il dépasse tout le monde. C'est l'omnipotence. "Mboo" signifie qu'il est le créateur. C'est omniscience. Mieux, "mboo" est le verbe "fabriquer" uniquement utiliser dans le contexte de la poterie. Et selon la littérature juive (Bible), c'est de la même façon que Dieu nous a fabriqué.
J'invite tous les peuples à faire le même travail dans leurs cultures. Je suis persuadé que Dieu, le juste, s'est manifesté à tous les peuples et que des traces irréfutables existent dans les langues nationales. J'invite tout le monde à demander davantage l'intersection de nos proches morts que d'un Saint déclaré par les hommes et qui peut encore être jugé coupable par Dieu. Parlez à vos parents et grand-parents morts, "troublez leurs sommeils" et vous trouverez rapidement une solution à vos problèmes.

7. Aux non-croyants et à ceux qui dépensent 48 millions pour faire une évacuation sanitaire en vue d'aller prendre le paracétamol à Paris, je leur demande de me laisser tranquille dans la mesure où ce n'est pas un petit million que je dépense pour faire le "salaka" en hommage éternel à celui qui m'a donné la vie, qui va me tuer. Je trouve socialement injuste que l'on trouve normal que des centaines de millions soient dépensés par complexe pour aller mourir en Occident et anormal que je retourne simplement au village rendre éternel mes morts (dans mon cœur). 
Il est vrai que certains clochards d'amis qui succèdent à nos parents font de la chefferie un métier cupide. Mais, c'est une autre histoire liée au contexte général du pays où chacun broute même là où il n'est pas attaché...

Auteur inconnu


Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like Dollars or Euros or Pulas or Naira or Rands – they’re produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problem.
It’s the first example of a growing category of money known as cryptocurrency.

*What makes it different from normal currencies?*

Bitcoin can be used to buy things electronically. In that sense, it’s like conventional dollars, euros, or yen, pulas or rands which are also traded digitally.

However, bitcoin’s most important characteristic, and the thing that makes it different to conventional money, is that it is decentralised. No single institution controls the bitcoin network. This puts some people at ease, because it means that a large bank can’t control their money.

*Who created it?*

A software developer called Satoshi Nakamoto proposed bitcoin, which was an electronic payment system based on mathematical proof. The idea was to produce a currency independent of any central authority, transferable electronically, more or less instantly, with very low transaction fees.

*Who prints it?*

No one. This currency isn’t physically printed in the shadows by a central bank, unaccountable to the population, and making its own rules. Those banks can simply produce more money to cover the national debt, thus devaluing their currency.

Instead, bitcoin is created digitally, by a community of people that anyone can join. Bitcoins are “mined”, using computing power in a distributed network. This network also processes transactions made with the virtual currency, effectively making bitcoin its own payment network.

So you can’t churn out unlimited bitcoins?

That’s right. The bitcoin protocol – the rules that make bitcoin work – say that only 21 million bitcoins can ever be created by miners. However, these coins can be divided into smaller parts (the smallest divisible amount is one hundred millionth of a bitcoin and is called a ‘Satoshi’, after the Founder of Bitcoin.

*What is bitcoin based on?*

Conventional currency has been based on gold or silver. Theoretically, you knew that if you handed over a dollar at the bank, you could get some gold back (although this didn’t actually work in practice). But bitcoin isn’t based on gold; it’s based on mathematics.

Around the world, people are using software programs that follow a mathematical formula to produce bitcoins. The mathematical formula is freely available, so that anyone can check it. The software is also open source, meaning that anyone can look at it to make sure that it does what it is supposed to.

*What are its characteristics?*

Bitcoin has several important features that set it apart from government-backed currencies.

1) It’s decentralised

The bitcoin network isn’t controlled by one central authority. Every machine that mines bitcoin and processes transactions makes up a part of the network, and the machines work together.

That means that, in theory, one central authority can’t tinker with monetary policy and cause a meltdown – or simply decide to take people’s bitcoins away from them, as the Central European Bank decided to do in Cyprus in early 2013 or in Greece in 2015.

If some part of the network goes offline for some reason, the money keeps on flowing.

2) It’s easy to set up

Conventional banks make you jump through hoops simply to open a bank account. Setting up merchant accounts for payment is another Kafkaesque task, covered by bureaucracy. However, you can set up a bitcoin address in seconds, no questions asked, and with no fees payable.

3) It’s anonymous

Users can hold multiple bitcoin addresses, and they aren’t linked to names, addresses, or other personally identifying information.

4) It’s completely transparent

Bitcoin stores details of every single transaction that ever happened in the network in a huge version of a general ledger...

5) It's inflation free

The value of Bitcoins keeps going up over time... in 2009 the year when it started it had close to Zero value... in 2016 it was $350 in value... in Aug 2017 it was $3500... guess what was the value 2 months later? Over $4000 and it's still growing!

6) It's cheap and low cost

Bitcoins transaction fees are many times cheaper compared to all fiat currencies like Dollars, Euros, Naira, Rands, Pulas, etc. This is because of the way the computer system is structured you don't need to pay enployee salaries and there are no oberhead costs like with banks

7) It's global

This crowns it all! You can buy anywhere and as stated earlier you can biy anything with bitcoins - cup of coffee, airtime, plane ticket, car, anywhere in the world and there are many sites where you can change your Bitcoins to fiat currencies. There's more than 1 million companies online that accept Bitcoins as a means of payment!


RULE NO 1. *There is a Price to Pay.*

RULE NO 2. *There is Time to Give.*

RULE NO 3. *There is Patience to Observe.*

RULE NO 4. *There is a Seed to Sow.*

RULE NO 5. *There is Education to Acquire.*

RULE NO 6. *There is Process to Follow.*

RULE NO 7. *There are Principles to Obey.*

RULE NO 8. *There is Cause for Alarm when you are Poor.*

RULE NO 9. *Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained*

RULE NO 10. *Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit.*

RULE NO 11. *The Road to Success is for Men with Faith.*

RULE NO 12. *Poverty is a Risk and Wealth is a Risk.*

RULE NO 13. *The More the  analyses the More the  paralyses (analysis paralysis).*

RULE NO 14. *Financial Freedom is not a Chance it's a Choice.*

RULE NO 15. *Your Destiny is in Your Hands.*

*Financial Freedom is Possible for YOU if Only YOU would play by the RULES!*

dimanche 5 novembre 2017

Newbies on trading Crytocurrency

This will be useful. Start here

Beginner's Tutor on Crypto Trading

These are things u need to know about Crypto Trading. Firstly if you haven't registered on Poloniex. Do that now Watch all these tutorial videos about crypto trading. Please do not ask any question until you have watched every single videos below.

















After watching all the videos. I believe you must have gotten enough info on how to start trading. You can  embark on more research so as to learn more. Wish you best of luck in your crypto trading experience.


Crytocurrency trading and jargon

Pumping is when a group of people with same interest come together and buy a coin by doing this the price will always go high and some people will stand the chance to sell high

Holding is when you decided to buy and hold for at least one year

While we got normal trading where you buy low and sell with small interest or profit

One thing you must know always take your profit in Crypto and don't ever Fall in love with any coin cause profit is a theft

So what's trading its just like the normal business you do out there buying and selling with profit
Why do I call Crypto a lucrative business and most profitable
There are over 1500 alternative coins out there you can trade on and hundreds of them got great future
And also team work its also a way Crypto trading will help you out if you got a team of analysts that will back you up this will make you think less of loss and also make up to ×10-50 on your investment cause all calculations have been made and coins to trade on have been specified

samedi 4 novembre 2017

Podret. A nice digital currency investment platform


_*What's Podret?*

Podret is a trusted authority on digital currency investing, Podret is an online investment platform that helps you trade on digital currency asset as bitcoin by which u earn 2.8% daily on ur investment and withdraw ur earnings into ur local bank account or bitcoin wallet.

_*How It Works*_

To keep things simple

1. _*Fund Account*_

Create an account

Fund your Podret wallet with  bitcoin, credit/debit card or local currency transfer.

Buy a portfolio from your wallet.

2. _*Podret Trade*_

Podret trades for you.

You earn as much as 2.8% daily.

Sell directly into your local bank account or bitcoin wallet within 24 Hours.

3. _*Affiliate Network*_

Be part of our striving global network that enable everyone to earn more.

_*Country Agents:*_

Country Agents earn 15% from direct referral and 1% from all members who join Podret from their country.


Earn over $5,000 monthly

Become a Podret partner today and earn 10% of the very first deposit and 5% of your second level referral deposit.

Take advantage of podret trading expertise. Diversify your portfolio today. Happy Earning!

*Podret Facebook Fan Page Link:*
Go and see lots of testimonies from investors.

*Podret live online customers care agent always online 24/7 to attend to you*

*Podret is not ponzi, not scam.*

*_Podret remains the best investment company to invest with._*
Register here

lundi 30 octobre 2017


Is a crytocurrency like bitcoin
The ACTN token represents the amount of Action Coin (“Action”) each account will receive in the future Action blockchain. Action represents all of the points that have been earned, or may be earned, by members of the Action Rewards network. Action may be redeemed for discount vouchers, traded with other users, or saved for a rainy day.

Watch this youtube video for more info,

Sign up here

Here you earn 1000coins just by signing up

dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Goldreward Round 1  sales is finished but round 2 will soon start

Goldreward Round 1  sales is finished

It was planned to be sold for a week but sold out in less than 48hrs

If you missed round 1 train, get ready for round 2, I will do update about it once it starts.

Round 2 will be sold for 0.86$ per grx.

If you are yet to register, kindly do so now and get your BTC or ETH ready


What's Bitcoin Exchange

DEFINITION of 'Bitcoin Exchange'
A bitcoin exchange is a digital marketplace where traders can buy and sell bitcoins using different fiat currencies or altcoins. A bitcoin currency exchange is an online platform that acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of the cryptocurrency.

The currency ticker used for bitcoin is either BTC or XBT.

BREAKING DOWN 'Bitcoin Exchange'
Bitcoin exchange platforms match buyers with sellers. Like a traditional stock exchange, traders can opt to buy and sell bitcoin by inputting either a market order or a limit order. When a market order is selected, the trader is authorizing the exchange to trade his coins for the best available price in the online marketplace. With a limit order set, the trader directs the exchange to trade coins for a price below the current ask or above the current bid, depending on whether s/he is buying or selling.

For example, on a bitcoin exchange, three coin sellers are asking for BTC/USD 2265.75, BTC/USD 2269.55, and BTC/USD 2270.00. A trader who initiates a market order to buy bitcoins will have his order filled at the best ask price of $2265.75. If only five bitcoins are available for the best ask and 10 coins are available for $2269.55, and the trader wants to buy 10 at market, his order will be filled with 5 coins @ $2265.75 and the remaining 5 @ $2269.55.

However, a trader who thinks that he can get bitcoins for a better price could set a limit order for, say, $2260.10. If a seller matches his/her ask price with this order or sets a price below this figure, the buyer will get filled.

Online bitcoin marketplaces usually designate bitcoin participants as either makers or takers. When a buyer or seller places a limit order, the exchange places adds it to its order book until the price is matched by another trader on the opposite end of the transaction. When the price is matched, the buyer or seller who set the limit price is referred to as a maker. A taker is a trader who places a market order that immediately gets filled.

All bitcoin exchanges have transaction fees that are applied to each completed buy and sell order carried out within the exchange. The fee rate is dependent on the volume of bitcoin transactions that is conducted. For example, bitcoin exchange Poloniex has its rate ranging from 0 to 0.25%, GDAX fees range from 0 to 0.30%, Kraken’s fees range from 0 to 0.36%, and Paxful charges 1% of the amount of a sale to the seller but buyers don't get charged.

To transact in bitcoin on an exchange, a user has to register with the exchange and go through a series of verification processes to authenticate his or her identity. Once the authentication is successful, an account is opened for the user who then has to transfer funds into this account before s/he can buy coins. Different exchanges have different payment methods that can be used for depositing funds including bank wires, direct bank transfers, credit or debit cards, bank drafts, money orders, and even gift cards. A trader who would like to withdraw money from his or her account could do so using the options provided by his exchange which could include a bank transfer, PayPal transfer, check mailing, cash delivery, bank wire, or credit card transfer.

Making deposits and withdrawals come at a price, depending on the payment method chosen to transfer funds. The higher the risk of a chargeback from a payment medium, the higher the fee. Making a bank draft or wiring money to the exchange has a lesser risk of a chargeback compared to funding your account with PayPal or a credit/debit card where the funds being transferred can be reversed and returned to the user upon his/her request to the bank.

In addition to transaction fees and funds transfer fees, traders may also be subject to currency conversion fees, depending on the currencies that are accepted by the bitcoin exchange. If a user transfers Canadian dollars to an exchange that only deals in US dollars, the bank or the exchange will convert the CAD to USD for a fee. Transacting with an exchange that accepts your local currency is the best way to avoid the FX fee.

Foreign exchange spreads are important measures when transacting in bitcoin and vary depending on how liquid the bitcoin exchange is. For example, on May 31, 2017, the best bitcoin bid and ask on Kraken, a bitcoin exchange system, was XBT/USD 2,314.07 and XBT/USD 2,317.75, respectively. Another online exchange, GDAX, had its best bid and ask period for the same time window as BTC/USD 2314.99 and BTC/USD 2319.00. Clearly, the FX spread is wider for GDAX, but may not necessarily be so at all times of the day. (Note that the Bitcoin ticker is either XBT or BTC, depending on the exchange).

Note that a bitcoin exchange is different from a bitcoin wallet. While the former offers a platform through which bitcoin buyers and sellers can transact with each other, the latter is simply a digital storage service for bitcoin holders to store their coins securely. To be more technical, bitcoin wallets store private keys which are used to authorize transactions and access the bitcoin address of a user. Most bitcoin exchanges provide bitcoin wallets for their users, but may charge a fee for this services

what is really Altscoins

DEFINITION of 'Altcoin'
Altcoins are the alternative cryptocurrencies launched after the success of Bitcoin. Generally, they project themselves as better substitutes to Bitcoin. The success of Bitcoin as the first peer-to-peer digital currency paved the way for many to follow. Many altcoins are trying to target any perceived limitations that Bitcoin has and come up with newer versions with competitive advantages. There is a great variety of altcoins.

"Altcoin" is a combination of two words: "alt" and "coin"; alt is short for alternative and coin signifies currency. Thus together they imply a category of cryptocurrency that is alternative to the digital currency Bitcoin. After the success story of Bitcoin, many other peer-to-peer digital currencies have emerged in an attempt to imitate that success.

Many of the altcoins are built up on the basic framework provided by Bitcoins. Thus most altcoins are peer-to-peer, involve a mining process and offer efficient and cheap ways to carry out transactions on the web. But even with many overlapping features, altcoins vary widely from each other.

Even with many close competitors, Bitcoin is still leading the virtual currency pack. Newer and more innovative versions are getting launched that offer modifications in areas like transaction speed, privacy, proof-of-stake, DNS resolution and more. A few of them have gained popularity; the rest are lesser-known. Examples of altcoin include Litecoin, Dogecoin, Peercoin, Feathercoin, Zetacoin, Novacoin, etc. Litecoin is seen as the closest competitor to Bitcoin

Since an average man can afford to buy bitcoin at the current the best range for you is to start trading on alts and within couple of month you see yourself making money beyond your expectations but in this you are going to loss or maybe one day sell on loss cause professional even loss in trading of every types

you guys might ask what bitcoin really is

Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.
Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.
which was also the first crypto currency to be in existence since 2008 till date
(bitcoin is money)

samedi 28 octobre 2017

What are faucets

Faucets are a reward system that gives away free Bitcoins or altcoins. The first faucet was developed by Gavin Anderson, one of the lead developers of Bitcoin. Rewards vary per site but generally dispense at various predetermined intervals of time.[1]

Why do these sites give away free money? Faucets are a great way to introduce new people to Bitcoin and alternative cryptocurrencies, thereby both promoting each currency and providing new users with an easy to way to get their first coins.[2] You can also make money. By visiting each faucet you provide income to the faucet provider and in return you are rewarded with a small amount of coin. By visiting many faucets you can quickly accumulate coin for yourself!

What is cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are a subset of alternative currencies, or specifically of digital currencies. Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009. Since then, numerous cryptocurrencies have been created. These are frequently called altcoins, as a blend of bitcoin alternative.

Today, there are over 200 digital currencies in existence. Entry into the marketplace is undertaken by so many due to the low cost of entry and opportunity for profit.

What is Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

What's Altcoins

Altcoins are those under valued coin that is been calculated there are two mean of calculating good alts to buy which is (TA) Technical Analysis and (FA) Fundamental Analysis this two way you can be able to calculate good Altcoins to invest in

What's bitcoin

Bitcoin  is a crypto currency which is decentralized and can be use as a means of payment of goods and services

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a payment system introduced as open-source software in 2009 by developer Satoshi Nakamoto. The payments in the system are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account, which is also called bitcoin. Payments work peer-to-peer without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to call bitcoin a decentralized virtual currency. Although its status as a currency is disputed, media reports often refer to bitcoin as a cryptocurrency or digital currency.

vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Regalcoin update and opportunity

*Regal Coin*
● Agt'17 $0.85 to Oct'17 $46 Up *46 times*
● once you invest $1000 became $46000

ONLY 99 days Contract. Capital Returned after 99 days
1.2% daily earning for 99 days

Referal Bonus: 7% (lvl 1), 2% (lvl 2)  and 1% (lvl 3)
Pairing Bonus:
$1000 : $1000 = 2%
$10000 : $10000 = 3%
$100000 : $100000 = 5%

WA +234 8142112083

Why is Regal??
● only in 15 days on CMC, Regal reaches rank 60
● only 99 days Investment Package
● the biggest market is in the USA

mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Introduction to Simple Strategies in FOREX

There is an ongoing war between Technical and Fundamental traders, and this war has been there before you were even born and will be there long after you are dust of the earth. Purely Technical traders will tell you that Fundamentals do not actually matter if you know how price moves, and they have a very strong point, that no matter how much of Fundamentals you know if you do not understand how price reacts and moves to either internal or external Forces, you will lose your money. This is why you see economic analysts on all major networks are not traders! On the other hand, purely Fundamental traders will tell you that Technicals do not matter. And they have a very strong point, that for price to move in the first place it  must be provoked by some form of Fundamental anomaly in the first place! This heated argument escalated after the 2008 housing market crisis that triggered the global economic crises. You see, technical traders rely on the math of trading, and they had warned of gross mathematical inconsistencies with the sub-prime mortgage machine the US government had created through its banks. This caused the infamous bubble in the housing sector that technical analysts had warned about since the 9/11 terror attacks. On the other hand you had Fundamental economic analysts who brushed of these warnings as conspiracy theories and no one could blame them. You see, the fundamentalists relied on economic data releases that where coming from the same banks that later caused the crisis. And so in the face of lowest interest rates in history, a surge in investor confidence and excellent trade relations with all economies, fundamentalists had no choice but to brush off any claims of imbalances in the math or dynamics of the flow of money. Unfortunately 2008 was a dark year for the whole world as the economies plunged into severe crises just because of inconsistencies in the math of trading and investing! Until that year, technical where often ignored and constituted only 10% of the trader’s analysis, but after that, a new wave of technical traders was born, and that was the year this war begun. Because for the first time, it was proven, that it is very possible for one to be wrong and the other right. I however have a simple yet powerful way of looking at these things as. If you take out any coin from your pocket right now, you will notice that there are two sides (‘heads and tails’). In most coins these two sides are completely different and will say or display completely different words or images, but yet it is the same coin! The same is true for Forex trading, the truth really is that all Technical and Fundamental foresight are just a way of looking at the same coin from different sides. For me this was an exciting discovery! This meant that if I looked at the market from a certain angle and it didn’t make sense, I could just stop and look at it from the opposite angle and everything would make sense. But there is an important factor right here; this dual nature of the markets makes it possible for one to view the markets through Technical eyes and still make money and the next trader to look at the markets from Fundamental eyes and also make profit. The only disadvantage is that they are both limited, profitable but slightly limited. Why am I telling you all these things? I want to now begin to teach you some simple strategies. But the strategies will fall into two separate categories, strategies that invoke only technical ideologies and strategies that invoke fundamental ideologies. After that, I will sweeten the deal with showing you extremely profitable strategies that invoke the powers of both worlds. Let not the Technicals be furious when I teach the about fundamentals and let not the Fundamentalists be angry when I teach the Techies. Trading is very strange and mirrors real life if you look closely.

lundi 23 octobre 2017

Laser online crypto currency


Upon deposit, your principle ("original funds") is absorbed for the favor of 12% DAILY automatically credited interest (every business day) for 12 business days. This investor-orientated plan will allow you to receive an impressive R.O.I within the shortest time
Get Started here

Clic here

samedi 21 octobre 2017

Why most traders lose money

```You have probably heard that most people who attempt Forex trading end up losing money. There’s a good reason for this, and the reason is primarily that most people think about trading in the wrong light. Most people come into the markets with unrealistic expectations, such as thinking they are going to quit their jobs after a month of trading or thinking they are going to turn $1,000 into $100,000 in a few months. These unrealistic expectations work to foster an account-destroying trading mindset in most traders because they feel too much pressure or “need” to make money in the markets. When you begin trading with this “need” or pressure to make money, you enviably end up trading emotionally, which is the fastest way to lose your money.```

dimanche 1 octobre 2017

Le sommet de Cryp Trade Capital 2017 en Turquie

La troisième semaine de septembre 2017 a été très chaude pour toute l'équipe de CRYP Trade capital et pour les dirigeants les plus forts de l'entreprise.

Le Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa a été inondé avec l'incroyable énergie des participants de la deuxième internationale
CRYP Congrès du commerce en Turquie 2017

Les équipes de plus de 30 pays se sont rencontrés à l'événement le plus significatif de l'année afin que les meilleurs des meilleurs pourraient aller à Olympus et de fixer de nouveaux objectifs ambitieux. Le PDG de la société, Vitaliy Ipatov, et les dirigeants mondiaux de la blockchain-industrie ont ouvert les perspectives d'une croissance incroyable dans leurs discours! Le hall de Cornelia Diamond pulsé avec détermination à conquérir de nouveaux sommets!

C'était une vraie fête de succès et de prospérité, la célébration des gagnants et le premier anniversaire de CRYP société de capital commercial. Nous sommes sûrs que chaque fois, se rendre à de nouveaux sommets, nous nous souvenons de ces journées chaudes de CRYP Congrès du commerce en Turquie 2017

Une autre histoire du bitcoins et son avenir

Donc-vous avez vu ce que les grands esprits du monde pensent de Bitcoin. Savez-vous pourquoi certains investissent  tellement  dans cette nouvelle manie de la monnaie?

Parce que le Bitcoin est l'avenir de l'argent-et nous voulons en faire partie.

Afin de voir pourquoi le Bitcoin est l'avenir, il est important de comprendre comment l'argent a changé l'histoire-et comment l'histoire a changé.

Le commerce précoce reposait sur le troc-échangeant une douzaine d'oeufs pour un poulet; échanger quelques vaches pour une femme. Certaines civilisations ont même échangé des biens et des services pour les promesses de paiement à l'avenir-mais il était terriblement difficile de garder une trace de, et d'attribuer, une valeur exacte à chacun de ces crédits.

Et donc, nous avons inventé l'argent.

Au début, c'était des choses simples-comme des pierres ou des coquillages. Quelques milliers d'années et nous avons déménagé à des métaux précieux et des pierres précieuses; mais tout cela est devenu difficile à stocker et à transférer. L'argent du papier était la prochaine grande chose; votre or ou argent a été échangé pour diverses quantités de feuillets de papier, et voila! À tout moment, vous pouvez utiliser ce petit bordereau pour saisir un soupon d'argent ou une goutte d'or.

Au fil du temps, la confiance dans les banques a grandi-et les gouvernements (qui contrôlaient les banques) se sont rendu compte qu'ils pouvaient imprimer plus d'argent chaque fois qu'ils en avaient besoin. Dette et inflation suivies peu après; une solution rapide apporte des problèmes rapides, après tout.

Ce système ne peut pas durer éternellement-ces devises seront finalement complètement dévaluées. Il y a plus de 10 000 types de monnaie de papier dans le monde, et tous sont soumis aux caprices d'un gouvernement; Il peut être facilement forgé, perdu ou détruit. Le monde avait besoin d'une nouvelle solution.

Et une a été faite.

Bitcoin est l'avenir. C'est durable et divisible; C'est vérifiable et précieux. C'est tout ce qu'une forme idéale d'argent devrait être, avec les principes des mathématiques-les mêmes principes qui dictent notre monde-en veillant à ce qu'il conserve ces attributs. Nous pensons qu'il est temps d'investir dans une nouvelle forme d'argent-celle qui n'est pas contrôlée par les pays; celui qui est soutenu par les mathématiques; une source ouverte et compréhensible. Et donc nous mettons notre argent là où notre bouche est (tout à fait littéralement), et l'ouverture des portes à rendre Bitcoin disponible pour tous. Comme toujours, nous avons créé une autre infographie pour vous guider à travers ce voyage d'argent, et l'avenir de la finance.

Bitcoin and currency history

So - you’ve seen what the great minds of the world think about Bitcoin. And you’ve also had a peek at the hardware we’re packing - but do you know why we’re so invested in this new currency craze?

Because Bitcoin is the future of money - and we want to be a part of it.

In order to see why Bitcoin is the future, it’s important to understand how money changed history - and how history changed it.

Early trade relied on bartering - exchanging a dozen eggs for a chicken; exchanging a few cows for a wife. Some civilizations even traded goods and services for promises of payment in the future - but it was awfully hard to keep track of, and assign, an exact value to each of these credits.

And so, we invented money.

At first it was simple things - like stones or seashells. A few thousand years and we moved to precious metals and gemstones; but all of this became difficult to store and transfer. Paper money was the next big thing; your gold or silver was exchanged for various amounts of paper slips, and voila! At any time, you could use that little slip to grab a hint of silver or a drop of gold.

Over time, trust in banks grew - and the governments (who controlled the banks) realized that they could print more money whenever they needed it. Debt and inflation followed soon after; a quick solution brings about quick problems, after all.

This system cannot continue forever - these currencies will be eventually completely devalued. There are over 10,000 types of paper currency in the world, and all of them are subject to the whims of a government; it can be easily forged, lost, or destroyed. The world needed a new solution.

And one was made.

Bitcoin is the future. It’s durable and divisible; it’s verifiable and valuable. It’s all the things an ideal form of money should be, with the principles of mathematics - the same principles that dictate our world - ensuring that it retains these attributes. We think it’s time to invest in a new form of money - one that isn’t controlled by countries; one that is supported by mathematics; one that is open source and understandable. And so we’re putting our money where our mouth is (quite literally), and opening the doors to making Bitcoin available to all. As always, we’ve created another infographic to guide you through this journey of money, and the future of finance.

Bitcoin and currency history

So - you’ve seen what the great minds of the world think about Bitcoin. And you’ve also had a peek at the hardware we’re packing - but do you know why we’re so invested in this new currency craze?

Because Bitcoin is the future of money - and we want to be a part of it.

In order to see why Bitcoin is the future, it’s important to understand how money changed history - and how history changed it.

Early trade relied on bartering - exchanging a dozen eggs for a chicken; exchanging a few cows for a wife. Some civilizations even traded goods and services for promises of payment in the future - but it was awfully hard to keep track of, and assign, an exact value to each of these credits.

And so, we invented money.

At first it was simple things - like stones or seashells. A few thousand years and we moved to precious metals and gemstones; but all of this became difficult to store and transfer. Paper money was the next big thing; your gold or silver was exchanged for various amounts of paper slips, and voila! At any time, you could use that little slip to grab a hint of silver or a drop of gold.

Over time, trust in banks grew - and the governments (who controlled the banks) realized that they could print more money whenever they needed it. Debt and inflation followed soon after; a quick solution brings about quick problems, after all.

This system cannot continue forever - these currencies will be eventually completely devalued. There are over 10,000 types of paper currency in the world, and all of them are subject to the whims of a government; it can be easily forged, lost, or destroyed. The world needed a new solution.

And one was made.

Bitcoin is the future. It’s durable and divisible; it’s verifiable and valuable. It’s all the things an ideal form of money should be, with the principles of mathematics - the same principles that dictate our world - ensuring that it retains these attributes. We think it’s time to invest in a new form of money - one that isn’t controlled by countries; one that is supported by mathematics; one that is open source and understandable. And so we’re putting our money where our mouth is (quite literally), and opening the doors to making Bitcoin available to all. As always, we’ve created another infographic to guide you through this journey of money, and the future of finance.

mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Job at Lagos state




22nd September, 2017















*Application for any of the listed position should be done Online via*

The Application Portal will be open for A WEEK from

*Monday, 25th September, 2017 and CLOSES on Friday, 29th September, 2017*.






mardi 26 septembre 2017

The 3 places where to find money

Money is hiding in things people dont want.

Over the weekend I heard a speech of a top network marketing guru in south Africa and these are the points he mentioned about money and where you can get it. He says you will only find money in these 3 places.

The first place where you will find money is with people. All businesses need people to make money. Doctors need people to make money and they call those people patients. Checkers and Woolworths needs people to make money and they call them customers. Mortuaries need dead people to make money. If you run away from people you are running away from your riches. If you say you are shy and can't talk to people then it means poverty will be your best friend.

The second place to make money is to find solutions to people's problems. Most people run away from problems because they don't want to find solutions to their problems.  That's why we don't last in things that we start because immediately when a problem comes we run away and say it's not working. If only you can find solutions instead of complaining about your problems you will be a better person and you will become successful.

The last place you can find money is with opportunities. Most people run away from opportunities because they don't like such opportunities. You don't have to like an opportunity, if you can just find  the benefits that come with the opportunity and focus on such benefits you will become successful. Most of the things that make people successful are not the things they love but it's what they will get out of those things.

Now how are you making your own money? Don't tell me about a job because you will be poor for the rest of your life as long as you are loyal to your job. The richest people in the world look for and build networks while everyone else looks for a job. Where do you belong?

Malizole Gobe
Author of the book titled START SOMETHING WHERE YOU ARE.

samedi 23 septembre 2017

Cryptrade capital 14th - 18th September Notes from the Antalya Congress

A magnificent Congress of a total of 34 countries and translations of 8 different languages ​​We were proud to host congress Turkey as a guest of great leaders from all over the world ... Congress cost about $ 3,000,000 USD. The number of participants is 1,200. Thanks to everyone who has passed the test.

-> #CRYP TRADE CAPITAL HOLDING SL. He showed his magnificence by showing us his expertise in his field over and over again.

-> CRYP TRADE CAPITAL HOLDING has the title of being the first company in the world that makes MLM + KRIPTO MONEY UNIT + TRADING.

-> The company is in a very good level in terms of financial functioning. Coin and ICOs have proven their transparent trading and goodwill by being trained by experts on their short, medium and long term investment volume, earnings, profit - loss ratios.

-> Self-development and motivation were given in trainings by specialist trainers.

-> CRYP TRADE CAPITAL HOLDING MINING is estimated to start in 2018 FEBRUARY. Some agreements are expected to be resolved.

-> We sincerely showed that they will accelerate their investments in negotiations with the world leaders ...

We will visit the company headquarters again in a recent date and we will provide on-the-spot inspections .... We continue to invest ...

-> 4 new countries joined the Cryp trade capital family. Along with this, the target is to reach 123 countries.
-> When we look at the profit / loss relationship of the company, we have achieved 854% growth in 10 months.

-> The Leadership Training events will continue because of the rapid growth in Malaysia and the other countries in October.

-> Cryp Trade Capital is on its way as smooth as the first day.

-> some projects expected to take place in future dates;

BTC ATMs will be found in official offices

CTC will install BTC ATMs in several of the busiest pilot cities, with priority given to higher countries.

Cryp Trade Capital will be able to make a deal with a high potential bank in high countries and the bank and Cryp Trade Capital member will be able to deposit and withdraw money directly into Cryp Trade Capital accounts with debit cards and accounts. With this project, the state will recognize that it recognizes Cryp Trade Capital.

Les étapes à suivre pour vous enregistrer gratuitement à cryptrade capital

Étape # 0 suivez ce lien pour vous inscrire gratuitement et obtenir l'accès au bureau fantastique
Cliquez ici
Ou copier ce lien et coller sur votre navigateur:

Étape #1 Enregistrez et mettez à jour le Back Office avec les détails de paiement et les informations pertinentes.

étape #2 Faire un dépôt avec l'une des 4 procédure de paiement (la procédure que vous utilisez pour déposer c'est ce que vous utiliserez pour retirer vos revenus passifs plutard )

Étape #3 Le portefeuille d'investissement d'achat (chaque portefeuille d'investissement fonctionne 12 mois-1 an de contrat après expiration du régime vous gagnez des retours fixes et retour sur investissements ) s'accumule  tous les jours des revenus crédités et après il est débité du plan et crédité à votre porte-monnaie USD qui donne le solde du revenus passif.

Étape #4 retrait de votre revenu passif une fois qu'il est crédité à votre porte-monnaie USD solde qui est due  le, 15e et 30e chaque mois pendant les 12 mois. Ce pour le portefeuille d'investissement standard et Mega. Pour le portefeuille d'investissement VIP une fois par mois le 30e de chaque mois.

Les rendements sont fixés ainsi et basés sur votre investissement vous permettent de gagner le bon rendement sur votre investissement.

Pour plus d'informations écrivez-moi à

Steps to register to cryptrade capital

Step#0 Follow this link to get register for free and get access to the fantastic office
Clic here
Or copy this link and paste on your navigator:

Step #1 Register and update back office with payment details and relevant information .

step #2 deposit with any of the 4 payment processors (,the processor you use to deposit that is what you use to withdraw Passive
income with)

Step #3  purchase Investment portfolio (each Investment portfolio runs 12 months- 1 year contract after plan expires you earn fixed returns and ROI) daily accured earnings credited to the after which is it debited from plan and credited to your wallet usd balance as passive income .can find the conditions on the plan.

Step #4 withdrawal your passive income once it's credited to your wallet USD balance which is on the ,15th and ,30th each month during the 12 months.  That standard and mega Investment portfolio and for VIP Investment portfolio once per month 30th each month.

The Returns is fixed so based on your investment let you earn good return on your investment.

For more information email me at

Excusitis. Excuses diseases



1. “I’m not good enough.”
Reality: There are people not as smart, talented or experienced as you who got started and are already ahead of you.

2. “I don’t have the time.”
Reality: Success doesn’t come from having time. It comes from making time.

3. “I don’t have the money.”
Reality: You don’t need money to make money. You need a mission. Then deliver value to those who have the money.

4. “I don’t know the right people.”
Reality: You can change who you know and who knows you today. Start by being the kind of person you would want to know.

5. “It’s not the right time.”
Reality: There is always a right action in good times and bad times, which means it is always the right time.

6. “It’s not that easy.”
Reality: No it’s not. Which is why most people never try, and most people never reach their full potential. But you’re not most people.

7. “I don’t deserve it.”
Reality: Success isn’t earned by those that deserve most, but those who serve most.

What’s stopping you? Success doesn't  come to those who have the most ambition, but those who have the least excuses. Excuses are the brake pedals in life, and you can’t get going if the brakes are on.

So start immediately by replacing every excuse with action.

vendredi 22 septembre 2017

What you need to do after working for your boss

After working for your boss, don't go home and watch TV.

Go home and develop yourself  so you won't work for him forever.

No matter how many university degrees you have,
if you don't know your life's purpose, you are worse than an illiterate.

When people question your vision, don't try explain it to them.

Just succeed at it. Success doesn't need to be explained.

You don't owe people explanation.. What you owe them is result.

..........I have spoken.......


1. Always scared to take further risk and always thinking negatively even after some trials 😥

2. Anxiety over failure and Doubtful mind 😳

3. Always waiting for someone to succeed first before joining when you can be the success yourself😎

4. Fear of other failed platforms.🤔

5. Comfortable with being broke and selfishly discouraging others☹

6. Always looking for proof/result of others before they believe👎

Be positive dear !!!The journey of a thousand miles begins with a rough and tough Step!


jeudi 21 septembre 2017

Pillars to success in MLM

*9 Pillars To Success In Network Marketing*
       (Eric Worre)
*1. Decide:* Make a decision to engage today and then do not turn back.

*2. Commit to the skills:* You need skills to succeed. Commit to learn these skills and do not stop until you have them. *Never give up*

*3. Habits:* Create good habits that you exercise everyday to achieve your dream.

*4. Associations:* Create your own environment. You are the sum of the top 5 people you surround yourself with.

*5. Think Bigger:* Always work to achieve bigger things. Never feel like you have arrived.

*6. Let it go:* Whatever is holding you back --Anger, pain, doubt, negativity -- let it go away and start ASAP

*7. Create a vision:* Don't just buy into your company's vision; create your own vision. What do you want from this dream? What do you want to achieve?

*8. Game plan:* Create a game plan, strategize, and execute that plan every day.

*9. Decide to work your @$$ off:* Work hard every day towards your goal. Never give up.

These are *9 pillars to your road map to success*
Master them with all diligence, you will be on your way to the top.

I am trying to master these. What about you?

mercredi 20 septembre 2017

Never invest more than what you can't afford to loose

Never Invest more than what you can't afford to loose.. remember it's an investment where you capital is being exposed to the market's not a regular saving account where you store your life savings 😎. That is why it's best to build trust where you put your money .then go big and get in profit early.  Guys who invested huge they touch base then pump money in

mardi 19 septembre 2017

Never invest more than what you can't afford to loose

Never Invest more than what you can't afford to loose.. remember it's an investment where you capital is being exposed to the market's not a regular saving account where you store your life savings 😎. That is why it's best to build trust where you put your money .then go big and get in profit early.  Guys who invested huge they touch base then pump money in

lundi 18 septembre 2017

Leocoin, la révolution de la crypto-monnaie

🍾Leocoin  a une blockchaine révolutionnaire et innovante  !                                                                                                                                            🍾 à partir de 1000 leocoins je prete a  LEO car un nombre limité par jour de  28800 léocoins pour la planète  sont fabriqués.                 si j'ai 1000 léocoins j'ai 10%, 15%/ an si 5000,   20%/an si  50000   whaou!                                                                                                                                                                🍾LEO soutenu par un réseau de membres  ( plus de la moitié sont des chinois  )                                                                                      🍾     Leocoin tradé sur les marché chinois                                                                                                                                                  🍾Leocoin a des reconnaissances  institutionnelles, mediatiques et politiques !                                                                                                                                                                           🍾Leo a un écosysteme;  crypto, leobanking,...                                                                                                                                                               🍾Leo a  une équipe dirigeante compétente qui met en place uns stratégie implacable                                                                                          🍾le Leo coin est bas d'où le fait que nous sommes au bon moment                                                                                                        🍾si j'en parle j'ai du cash, des primes leocoins et des voyages !!!!!                                                                                                                  🍾🍾🍾 Leo est à la DSA  il y a eu 1 audit sur la société ; je suis dans une affaire PERENNE                                                               🍾 avec l'ancien directeur Général  de la DSA qui a rejoint Paul  Saouthworth chez Leo                                                                          🥇  Leo a propre mastercard qui fonctionne PARTOUT sur la planète                                                                                                                Merci LEO

Ignorance people have on network marketing

Ignorance is when you think those who are passionate about their Network Marketing Opportunity are stupid.

If a Network Marketing Professional shares an opportunity with you, it is to share a Business Model with you that can change your life.

If you mock the bearer of your good news; you do not hurt the ego of the news bearer but you just sabotaged your own future.

Most of the Network Marketing Professionals are all rounders and make way more financially that people can dream off.

Your Mocking statements most times cannot stop these group of special breeds from pursuing their dreams to Financial freedom.

Am I a Network Marketing Professional?  YES!!!!
Na the work wey we dey do, and we are super proud of it.

Network Marketing can give you a life you can only imagine😂😂😂 your "NO" means nothing, it just shows you aren't ripe for the Business of the 21st century  (Network Marketing).

samedi 16 septembre 2017

Plan de marketing de cryptrade capitale

Plan de marketing de cryptrade capitale
      Ou Programme d'affiliation
Paiement de référence:
L'échelle de carrière de l'entreprise se compose de 8 niveaux:

Statut d'investisseur. Pour ce niveau il faut:
• Un dépôt d'au moins $50
       –  tu reçois 7% de la contribution du partenaire parrainée , ci-après (niveau 1).
• Ton chiffre d'affaires personnel comprends : investissement (dépôt) des partenaires du niveau 1 soit  100% crédité à votre chiffre d'affaires de ventes d'équipe.

Statut de l'agent. Il faut
• Un dépôt de $50 au moins  et cela vous donne 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) des partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, des partenaires. niveau 2 – 75% des dépôts de partenaires crédités à votre structure
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $1000, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $100.

Statut d'agent principal
• Dépôt de $50 – Commission 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) des partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%. partenaires
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $5 000, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $350.

Gestion de l'état de l'agent
• Dépôt de $50 – 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) des partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%, partenaires de niveau 4 – 50% niveau 5 crédités au chiffre d'affaires de votre équipe de ventes.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $25 000, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $1 000.

État Sapphire
• Dépôt de $1000 – 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4, 1,5% du niveau 5.
• Inclut le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement {dépôt]
partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires
de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%, partenaires de niveau 4 – 50%, partenaires de niveau 5 – 40%.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $100 000, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $6 000.

Statut Rubin
• Dépôt de $5 000 – 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4, 1,5% du niveau 5, 1% du niveau 6.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) de partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%, partenaires de niveau 4 – 50%, partenaires de niveau 5 – 40%, partenaires de niveau 6 – 30%.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $500 000, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $30 000.

Statut émeraude
• Dépôt de $10 000 – 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4, 1,5% du niveau 5, 1% du niveau 6, 0,5% du niveau 7.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) des partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%, partenaires de niveau 4 – 50%, partenaires de niveau 5 – 40%, partenaires de niveau 6 – 30%, partenaires de niveau 7 – 20%.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $1 million, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $60 000.

État du diamant
• Un dépôt de $20 000, 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4, 1,5% du niveau 5, 1% du niveau 6, 0,5% du niveau 7, 0,5% du niveau 8.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) des partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%, partenaires de niveau 4-50%, partenaires de niveau 5 – 40%, partenaires de niveau 6 – 30%, partenaires de niveau 7 – 20%, partenaires de niveau 8 – 10%.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $3 millions, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $180 000.

État bleu de diamant
• Un dépôt de $40 000, 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4, 1,5% du niveau 5, 1% du niveau 6, 0,5% du niveau 7, 0,5% du niveau 8.
• Comprend le chiffre d'affaires personnel: investissement (dépôt) des partenaires de niveau 1 – 100%, partenaires de niveau 2 – 75%, partenaires de niveau 3 – 60%, partenaires de niveau 4-50%, partenaires de niveau 5 – 40%, partenaires de niveau 6 – 30%, partenaires de niveau 7 – 20%, partenaires de niveau 8 – 10% , partenaires de niveau 9 – 10%.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $10 millions, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $360 000.

Statut diamant noir
• Un dépôt de $60 000, 7% de la contribution du niveau 1, 5% du niveau 2, 3% du niveau 3, 2% du niveau 4, 1,5% du niveau 5, 1% du niveau 6, 0,5% du niveau 7, 0,5% du niveau 8.
• Après avoir atteint le chiffre d'affaires individuel de $30 millions, le partenaire recevra un bonus de récompense de $720 000.
Et c'est ainsi que le programme d'affiliation fonctionne!

Pour plus de details voir en inbox à l'adresse email.
Ou Watsap = +2348142112083

Une superbe opportunité de gagner des revenus passif dès maintenant avec cryptrade capitale dont je suis partenaire

Voici l'occasion que CRYPTRADE capital détient pour vous

CRYP Trade capital est une société de gestion fiduciaire qui fournit et gère des investissements pour les investisseurs et les partenaires! La société est située en Espagne et leur adresse est Avenida Alfonso X El Sabio 37,2, Alicante, Espagne. Bureau principal à Alicante Plaza. La Société opère dans le marché de la cryptomonnaie où ils échangent la crypto-monnaies  pour apporter des profits aux investisseurs américains et partenaires. Dans les portefeuilles de l'entreprise les Top 10 crypto-devises sont  telles que ETH, Xem, Dash, BTC, et XRP ... etc ils ont actuellement plus de 50 000 investisseurs dans 35 pays et la base de capital est de plus de $150 millions USD investi jusqu'ici
Cryptrade capital est la construction de confiance quotidienne Parmi les investisseurs. C'est une société de 100% Réel avec des documents officiels estampillés et signés par les autorités financières d'Alicante-Espagne.
Le PDG est Vitaly IPATOV qui est un immobilier et les investisseurs de la monnaie crypto et d'autres commerçants et les gestionnaires de l'entreprise sont connus. Société est active dans le marché de la cryptomonnaie où ils échangent 365 jours 24h par jour.

Société d'investissement vérifiée!
Vérifié et propriétaire de confiance-Vitaly IPATOV

Les Produits de la société
• Cryptrade capital MasterCard
• cartes de débit Bitcoin,
• plateforme de trading mobile,
• Clouding installation minière,
• Cryptrade capital Bitcoin ATM machine
• portefeuilles d'investissement

Comment puis-je gagner en CRYPTRADE

Il ya 3 façons de faire de l'argent sur cryptrade (Notez que ce n'est pas une obligation pour  vous de référez ou de parainner avant de gagner, mais les références vous ajoute les bonus )

1. investissez et gagnez en fonction de la taille de votre portefeuille à partir de 50USD
Portefeuilles d'investissement:

PLAN standard: 0,59% par jour, 17,7% par mois et 215,35% par année

PLAN Mega: 0,79% par jour, 23,7% par mois et 288,35% par an

PLAN VIP: 0,99% par jour, 29,7% par mois et 361,35% par an

Le paiement peut être effectué via: advacash, l'argent parfait, Bitcoin et Ethereum

2. les primes de parrainage plan pour ceux qui vont construire un réseau et de signer sur les partenaires (en aval). Vous gagnez entre 7% de vos investissements directs en ligne jusqu'à 20,5% de commissions sur 8 niveaux. La bonification est donnée aux participants plus de 10 niveaux de $100 jusqu'à $720 000 selon le classement.

3. la Société émettra le capital de démarrage et le financement mensuel pour compenser les dépenses de fonctionnement propre du bureau de consultant dans votre pays/région une fois que vous avez atteint le statut d'agent de gestion.
Investissez dans Cryptrade capital et gagnez des rendements réalistes passivement.

Consultez la présentation ici

Commencez votre voyage aujourd'hui en suivant ce lien pour vous enregistrer gratuitement  https://CRYP.Trade/agent/infzthlweicy

Notez: lorsque vous cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus faire défiler vers le bas pour "commencer" cliquez dessus et commencer votre inscription

Demander plus  de renseignements directement via WhatsApp sur + 2348142112083

Note: ce n'est pas un must vous référez, mais vous pouvez gagner un revenu supplémentaire en  référant.

Important things to know today about cryptrade capital

The business is not sitting down and profiting from the changes in the prices of the coins rather it involves the position of trading pairs against each other so when there is price changes due to news or whatever there is bound to be money to be made.proper positioning especially when you pair cryptocurrencies against Fiat currencies like the £, $, € etc leads to profit. This was demonstrated in the last trading activities of the company since they started one year ago. If you have been following the crypto trend you will see that while China and Russia were challenging the market there were strong moves from other G8 economies such as the the adoption of the Bitcoin as form of tax payment in some European countries, adoption of the Bitcoin as payment for donations in the next USA elections etc. These are strong indication that chinas ban will not stop the value of the cryptocurrency market it will rather make it exciting and viable. As at yesterday morning the btc traded for about $2900 but as at this morning it's trading for $3700 for those who traded against the fiat's this was a massive profit margin. Cryptocurrency is still backed by tech giants like Microsoft, McAfee etc. The value of genuine coins is not controlled by the market capitalization or amount of people backing the coins in terms of money they are putting in the coins. China is still responsible for just 18% of the total $180BN of the total cryptocurrency capitalization so if the go what happens the market loses 18%of it value but ask your self what been the growth of the cryptocurrency market capitalization  since the beginning of this year more than 30%. So China will only have a small effect on this global phenomenon. More China is halting activities to regulate and check for fraud especially in the issuance of ICOs (Initial coin offerings) they are not banning outrightly. When they are done we will talk again. See you when the btc hits 5000$ 😀. Nothing last forever but when the technic is right. It will last a long long time. Cryptrade has been consistent for one year now. It's not a ponzi or mlm scheme. It's pure investment business. You don't have to refer before you earn. Ctc profit comes from other arms of thier business such as cryptocards, Bitcoin machines, cloud mining etc.

jeudi 14 septembre 2017

Here's the thing with Cryp Trade Capital that people don't understand

The business is incredibly sturdy for one. With its extra arm to the business with their Bitcoin ATM's, the trading is profitable and sits on a bag of reserves to cover losses.

Its a steady paying business that pays every day.

They have offices in 2 countries with more to come also.

Events are held in various countries also & people have attended the events as well as the offices to meet the owner & the team behind CTC.

These are the daily % figures:

Invest $50-$4999 and receive 0.59% per day for 365 days
Invest $5000-$9999 and receive 0.79% per day for 365 days
Invest $10k+ and receive 0.99% per day for 365 days

Withdrawals take place on the 15th & 30th of each month straight into your Bitcoin wallet.

Everyone involved is making their money work for them.
You could too  by registering your details here

Then before you do anything, contact me and I will advise you on how to invest, how to withdraw when the time comes & ensure you understand fully what to do.

lundi 11 septembre 2017


C'est un grade que vous obtenez dans le réseaux JM INTERNATIONAL qui démontre les ventes qui ont été initié par vous et/ou les membres de votre équipe.


1) *Être Diamond ou DFAS*

2) *Avoir 2 Pieds ( c'est à dire une Équipe A et un Équipe B donc vous gagner le Group Bonus déjà)*

3) *Avoir fait son MPA à temps, et à 100BV minimum*

Le Pin Title est calculé tout les mois. C'est un indiqauteur de la santé se ton réseaux car ça te fait comprendre ci tu as belle et bien un *Réseaux* (la duplication est assuré, il y a une forte capacité de recruter et de coacher ton équipe en suivant et respectant les principes du système assurer par les leaders et dupliqué par ses membres, sans compter la communication et bonne relais d'information )  ou bien tu as une *équipe* ( les BV tombent uniquement et spontanément lors de promotion, pas de duplication ni communication ni planning et au lieu de fonctionner comme un B tu es S car rien ne bouge quand tu n'est pas la)

Le Pin Title égale aussi à l'argent que vous auriez gagner comme Group Bonus puis ce que c'est calculé sur la bases de l'équilibre de tes pieds.

♦1BV = 2PV
*Point Volume* et est ce qui est utilisé pour calculer le *PIN TITLE*

Alors un
SILVER = 50BV = *100PV*
GOLD = 300BV = *600PV*
PLATINUM=600BV= *1200PV*
DIAMOND =900BV= *1800PV*
DIAMOND FORCE = 1500BV = *3000PV*


et en Group Bonus vous auriez gagner
750BV x 12% × 640
= *57,600frs* minimum

🔹1250 BV = 2.500PV ÉQUIPE  A&B
= *STAR*
= 1250BV x 12% x 640= *96,000frs*

🔹2500 BV = 5.000PV ÉQUIPE A&B
= 2500BV × 12% x 640 = *192,000frs*

🔹7500BV =15.000PV ÉQUIPE  A&B
= 7500BV × 12% × 640 = *576,000frs*

🔹15.000BV = 30.000PV
= 15.000BV × 12% ×640 = *1,152,000frs*

🔹31.250BV = 62.500 PV ÉQUIPE  A&B
= 31.250BV × 12% × 640 = *2,400,000frs*

🔹62.500BV =125.000PV
       ÉQUIPE A&B
= 62.500 × 12% × 640 = *4,800,000frs*

🔹125.000BV = 250.000PV ÉQUIPE A&B
= 125.000BV × 12% × 640 = *9,600,000frs*

🔹250.000BV = 500.000PV ÉQUIPE A&B
= 250.000BV × 20% × 640 = *32,000,000frs*

🔹375.000BV = 750.000PV EQUIPE A&B

= 375.000BV × 20% ×640 = *46,000,000frs*




Here's the thing with Cryp Trade Capital that people don't understand

The business is incredibly sturdy for one. With its extra arm to the business with their Bitcoin ATM's, the trading is profitable and sits on a bag of reserves to cover losses.

Its a steady paying business that pays every day.

They have offices in 2 countries with more to come also.

Events are held in various countries also & people have attended the events as well as the offices to meet the owner & the team behind CTC.

These are the daily % figures:

Invest $50-$4999 and receive 0.59% per day for 365 days
Invest $5000-$9999 and receive 0.79% per day for 365 days
Invest $10k+ and receive 0.99% per day for 365 days

Withdrawals take place on the 15th & 30th of each month straight into your Bitcoin wallet.

Everyone involved is making their money work for them.
You could too  by registering your details here

Then before you do anything, contact me and I will advise you on how to invest, how to withdraw when the time comes & ensure you understand fully what to do.