
Welcome / Bienvenue


vendredi 29 décembre 2017

Your PDP is Your Personal Development Plans.

What is Your *PDP* for 2018?

Your *PDP* is Your *Personal Development Plans*.

Your *PDP* must be a *Detailed, Well-Structured, Articulated and Written Plan* that will demand your *loyalty and commitment*.

Your *PDP Guide* must include the following:

1. *Building Spiritual Capacity* (Moving from Just *Relationship* to Quality *Fellowship* with Your *God*)

2. *Inspirational And Motivational Books* to *Read* in 2018 (weekly, monthly or quarterly)

3. *Professional And Career Development* Seminars, Conferences or Workshops to attend. (either *Paid or Free*)

4. *Mentors and Coaches* you must *connect* with in 2018, that will *add great value* to your life and work.

5. *Relevant/Additional Skills* to *Develop* or *Sharpen* to enhance your ability to *SERVE* people and *EARN* more.

6. *Events, Places, Cities And Nations* To *Visit* for personal *relaxation, recreation and education*.

7. *Networks or Associations* to join, that will serve as *leverages* for *opportunities* and *connections* (online or offline)

8. What *Products or/and Services* will you be creating in 2018 to multiply *IMPACT* and increase *INCOME*.

9. *Negative Relationships or Friendships* to cut off (that *drains personal energy*)

10. *Wise and Intelligent Investments* to *undertake* in 2018.

11. *Negative Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours* to *confront* and *conquer*.

12. *Positive Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours* to *cultivate* in 2018.

Let Your *Plans* Begin Now!!!

Bananas, money and monkey

Jack Ma, the richest man in China said:

If you put Bananas and Money
in front of Monkeys, monkeys will choose Bananas because monkeys
do not know that money can buy a lot of Bananas.
IN REALITY, if you offer JOB and BUSINESS to people, they would choose JOB because most people do not know that BUSINESS can bring more MONEY than wages.

Similarly, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best selling book "RICH DAD, POOR DAD" and also a business partner of Donald Trump said:
"One of the reasons poor are poor, is because poor people are NOT TRAINED TO RECOGNIZE ENTREPRENEUR-SHIP OPPORTUNITIES.
They spend too much time in school and what they have learnt in school, is to WORK FOR WAGES instead of MONEY WORKING FOR THEM.
"Profit is better than wages, for wages can make you a living but profits can bring you a fortune."

*........and stop fighting over increments of salaries, it still won't be enough*

mardi 26 décembre 2017

Leçon importante sur le business

*Nos expériences respectives nous ont beaucoup instruits*
*Moi, modestement, j'ai retenu quelques trucs, deux ou trois choses que je vous recommande de prendre en compte rigoureusement
*1. A propos des revenus:*
Ne jamais dépendre d'une seule source de revenus. Investis pour créer une seconde chance.
Si tu achètes des choses dont tu n'as pas besoin, bientôt tu vendras des choses dont tu as besoin.
N'épargne pas ce qui reste quand tu as dépensé, mais dépense ce qui reste quand tu as épargné.
Ne vérifie jamais la profondeur d'une rivière avec les deux pieds.
Ne mets pas tous tes oeufs dans le même panier.
L'honnetété est un cadeau très cher. N'en attends pas de tout le monde.
*7. Le passé* Inspire toi de ton passé, contrôle ton présent, sécurise ton futur.
*8.Quand des mauvaises choses arrivent dans ta vie*, tu as trois choix: tu peux les laisser te définir. Tu peux les laisser te détruire ou tu peux faire en sorte qu'elles te rendent plus fort (e).
*9.Nos yeux sont sur notre front* parce que c'est plus important de regarder  devant que de regarder par derrière.
*10.Nous utilisions des crayons* quand nous étions petits, mais maintenant nous utilisons des stylots. Sais tu pourquoi? Parce que les erreurs de l'enfance peuvent être facilement effacées. *Ce qui n'est plus le cas maintenant.*l

*Repensons à ce que nous avons fait!*
*Revoyons nos objectifs!*
*Planifions nos projets!*

mercredi 6 décembre 2017


(1.) *Your salary will never make you rich. Your boss isn't that foolish.*

(2.) *Your salary is fixed, are your expenses fixed?*.

(3.) *If your company pays you the exact true value of the services you render, they would be running at a loss. As an employee, you are underpaid*.

(4.) *Once you get HIRED, you either get FIRED or RETIRED, you may also resign when you're TIRED*.

(5.) *Salary is the bribe you're given to forget your dreams, family, freedom, self-esteem, academics, social life and other personal goals*.

(6.) *Your kids won't inherit your post in that company you're employed in. Employment is not hereditary*.

(7.) *If your salary is not huge enough to pay your bills, leaving you with sufficient amount to save,prepare for poverty after you stop work*.

(8.) *If you must work,before you eat,if you get paralysed,ill or become aged,hunger will strike you*.

(9.) *Being an employee is a bit similar to being a slave,you take orders,you are regimented,when will you become a master?*.

(10.) *In Forbes list of the richest men in the world,show me one employee*


mardi 5 décembre 2017

Steps to success

4 Steps to Success:

1. It all starts with a DREAM.
As Tony Robbins says, there are no unmotivated people, just people with impotent dreams. If you don’t have a dream/bucket list of at least 100 goals, get busy creating it!

2. The next step is to BELIEVE you can actually do it.
I spent years struggling because I had the crushing weight of self-doubt holding me back. When I finally woke up and realized that my negative beliefs about myself were nothing more than a bunch of bullshit I made up, I was able to step into my own power. You can call it confidence or even a spiritual belief but I believe with everything in me that no one is more capable or deserves more success than I do. Many would call that arrogant but the truth is, I also believe I’m not better than or deserve success more than anyone else.

Whoever is willing to go out and follow the next step is the one who will actually see their dream come to reality.

3. Nothing works without HUSTLE.
Yes, hustling means doing the work… which might be making sales calls, getting rejected, writing and creating content… but many forget that hustle is also LEARNING and constantly making yourself better.

My advice is to make KAIZEN a cornerstone of who you are. KAIZEN is the Japanese art of constant and never-ending improvement. CANI

When you combine massive effort times massive skill, that leads to massive results.

4. Finally, you ACHIEVE.
Believe it or not, this can be the WORST thing for many.


Because it can make you comfortable and ultimately complacent. You see in life you are either growing or dying. You are either on the road going towards greatness or you ARE going towards mediocrity.

Just like a car cannot park in the lanes of a highway, you cannot park yourself in the freeway of life. When you pull over to the shoulder, we call that comfort. If you stay on the shoulder too long, you get pushed over to the ditch of complacency.

Stay out of the ditch, my friend. When you hit one goal, set a bigger one and be as obsessed or more about making that new goal a reality.

Stay Hungry, Stay Humble and Make Life an Adventure!

dimanche 3 décembre 2017

Money Is A Game Learn The Rules

"What keeps me going in life is that I have nothing to loose. I came with nothing on this planet." Anton Ngwenya

This I dedicated it to people who so afraid of taking financial risks in life as if the day they die they will depart with the money.

You came with nothing except your brains and you will die alone, all the materials you have and money will remain behind, so if you have never taken any financial risk in your life then now it is about time coz you wake up every day in order to make it yet you always complain about money.